What an unsightly mess the Mainroads department has been creating at the Fremantle High Street Upgrade freight roundabout project. Hundreds of metres of ugly sound walls are visual pollution and impacting negatively on the ambience of urban streets and the lifestyle of those who live there. Even the art in the Forrest Street underpass is disappointing. The other underpass is still closed, so I could not see the art in there.

And to make sure golf balls won't hit the moon, Mainroads have also installed two huge nets near the High Street and Montreal Street intersection.

The project is still not completed, so Mainroads will probably use the same excuse for that as the city of Fremantle does for the delay of the Whalers Tunnel, and will tell us it is taking so long because of the complexity and attention to detail of the project. The details are there for all to see. The sound walls smack you hard in the face. What an awful job, Mainroads!

Roel Loopers