As some may be aware, but many not, Chester, my faithful writing assistant, mice catcher, and general pain in the neck, passed away some months ago.
Recently I was running a series based on his adventures, under the title of Past Conversations with my cat.
For those who have not had the chance to read about all of his exploits I will run the series again from Episode 1
These are the memories of our time together…

This is Chester. We have been discussing the possibility of being stuck in the house for anything from 14 days to 10 months.
Yes, the Coronavirus is finally arriving in Australia, and though it is slow to catch on, we are being warned that it could get a lot worse, very quickly.
Chester has suggested we barricade the doors and windows.
Alas, I tell him, this is not the same as the American cowboys fending off an Indian attack. No circling the wagons, and definitely no John Wayne to ride in and save the day.
Too many westerns on Fox. I keep forgetting Chester has mastered the art of turning the TV on and changing channels on the Foxtel remote.
I also tell him that the virus is not only airborne, spread by those who cough or sneeze, but also by touch, like shaking hands, and hugging.
At that, Chester takes a good three, four steps back away from me. So, he challenges me, what are the options.
Well, firstly cats may not get the virus. Only one dog, as far as I know, had got it. You, I tell him, do not need to worry.
As for the humans, well, we are in trouble if it comes.
We will be staying in, in some sort of forced quarantine, trying to avoid the rest of the world until it goes away,
So, he says, that means you have enough cat food and litter, the proper one?
I shake my head like he does when he's annoyed.
Well, if it happens, I'm sure we'll find out. Besides, I add, you need to lose a kilo or two.
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