You could swim faster if a shark were after you ✨

You could run faster if your child were in danger ✨

You could work harder if the payoff were genuinely unique ✨

What you think you can do is invariably ✨

Smaller than what you can do if you really ✨

Really try ✨

You always have a little more in you💥

More strength and more ✨ conceivable inner strength

You could swim faster if a shark was after you ✨

You could run faster if your child was in danger ✨

You could work harder if the yield was forthcoming ✨

Less than what you can do if you really ✨

You always have a little more in you💥

Additional strength and more potential

Find your actual limits, and you may find that accomplishment is endless ✨

You could swim faster if a shark was after you ✨

You could run faster if your child was in danger ✨

You could work harder if the payoff were genuinely exceptional ✨

What you think you can do is always ✨

Always ✨

Less than what you can do if you really ✨

You always have a little more in you💥

More strength and more potential ✨

Find your actual limits, and you may find that success is limited ✨