Eric Leigh-Pink posted: " The Shimmer, a force, a being that is nothing and everything. As if talking with the very air we breath, with the ocean that surrounds us, its a massive force that comes to me as a white cloud that envelopes the entire space around me, within the cloud a" World Predictions
The Shimmer, a force, a being that is nothing and everything. As if talking with the very air we breath, with the ocean that surrounds us, its a massive force that comes to me as a white cloud that envelopes the entire space around me, within the cloud are ambers of light and fire dancing against the background like fireflies. Then a child appears, one filled with such Joy and Splendor. The child looks like he came from India, dressed in elaborate beautiful gowns with emeralds and rubies attached to his clothes. Each time I see him his face is just happiness on tap. But why? Why does this being that fuels all my work. That allows me to predict your future and the world's, present himself as a child? It's been a mystery from the beginning, because this being yields power that goes beyond any other Spirit I have ever met. So I asked? Why are you a child?
"I am the Provider" A voice whispered.
Thats it! That word! That sums up the Shimmy in a nutshell. This being provides my entire source of energy needed to do all my spiritual work. The Shimmer provides, and decides how much information I will receive. But most importantly is that glow, that absolute happiness that explodes out of the Shimmer when we together, provide for you or the world in such a way that it alters your moment for the better. Time and time again the Shimmer celebrates with such over joy when we as one, are the provider, fueling one epic force. A force that has built the endless predicitons we have made and helped so many people in our personal readings. When we magically help you through your trying times. The Shimmer explodes with excitement, and that voice I look forward to, screaming at me "We did it! We did it Eric!". I yearn to hear that from the force I have dedicated my life to. It's this reason I serve and do all my work, to see there joy and exuberance fills my cup of life.
Just as the Shimmer said this, I immediately went from seeing all of the nature around me, to being in outer space. There is that shifting from everything to nothing at the same time again. I flew through space at rapid speed, so fast that space began to fold in on itself and you could see the universe as one large endless blanket. Then it stopped all at once to a place close to the center of the cosmos, and above me was one massive star, huge and epic in size, the size of a galaxy. Then the light shifted to show just one beam of light, one fragment of the greater whole, not the star itself but the light it was creating and in that small beam of light was the Shimmer, and then the star pointed out, this light had not completely developed yet, this light was still forming its way. That was why he was a child. Still had some growing up to do. Then this great light reminded me…
Thats all it ever wanted from all of us. For you to be a provider. For you to provide for your family. To provide for all the life outside your house. To provide for your community, your world. To be that force that helps everyone and everything around it. And if you provided and I provided and everyone else provided. I truly believe we would hold the same Joy and absolute Splendor the Shimmer has. Life wouldn't be perfect, but all of us would be so much happier. So a message from the Shimmer, who is looking more like one super ancient Angel,
"You were always meant and destined to be the provider, provider for all that is around you, do it well and do it with love."
The Shimmer
Join us in the 4th class on January the 12th, where I talk about my experiences with beings like the Shimmer, ancient, celestial beings that we call Angels. As we explore how they can help you directly, with your spiritual path and your day to day life. The stories are elaborate and long, so expect so heavy story telling.
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